Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Writing with technology on the side

                Computers and technology have changed the form writing takes in this generation of adults. Without todays technology, most adults would not be able send letters of an intelligible response. Handwriting skills have declined as computers with word processors have appeared.  This begs the question: what was it like before computers and technology?  
            Before computers and technology, writing in cursive or handwritten words was extremely important. Only professional men and royalty could afford to invest money in college or proper schooling. Professionals included: high priests, scribes, school teachers, business men, royalty servants and staff (messengers, generals, etc.). Royalty included kings, tsar’s (Russian ruler similar to king), dictators, and other group forms of ruling. After computers appeared technology changed everything for writing. Now the common folk could write and make intelligible responses that could be understood. First, typewriters allowed for writing that did not look like a doctor’s cursive writing. Then, computers added word processing with spell checking to prevent spelling errors in writing.  Computers added the ability to write scripts, whole books, and research papers faster with programs. Computers have aided in organization of information, so it can be obtained faster and aid professionals in their work. Who knows, someone might invent a program for turning personal videos into a written paper? Will it be you?

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